My name is Zongarie.
My name is Zongarie.
I would like to go outside, but I am never able to leave my house.
I wonder if I can go out today. -
The day starts by greeting Zongarie's friend Marie.
Zongarie eats French toast for breakfast everyday.
After baking it deliciously.
Zongarie cuts it from the edge.
Eats it from the top .
All of it cleanly, and is thankful for the meal. -
Zongarie’s way of getting ready, is the same everyday.
First the brushing of teeth.
Rinsing with water.
Washing the face.
Just a little bit more. -
When finished, all there’s left to do is to put on Zongarie’s favorite bow tie.
As it has been used for a long time, it has become a bit small for Zongarie.
When Zongarie made it to the front door, fear that Marie had not been put back in her usual place started to creep in.
Zongarie checked over and over whether there was not anything left in the house to do.
It exhausted Zongarie before even leaving the house. -
While holding the doorknob, Zongarie imagined what it would be like to meet someone in great detail; how to greet that person, what to talk about and how to say goodbye.
Indeed, Zongarie pictured meeting every single person in the neighborhood.
Zongarie’s eyes started to spin and spin, until Zongarie finally fainted.
When Zongarie woke up, it was already dusk.
Today another day has passed for Zongarie. -
A new morning
Today is another day that starts by greeting Zongarie's friend Marie.
The moment when Zongarie, just like always, was about to eat French toast for breakfast.
Zongarie could hear a small noise.
It was the sound of the doorbell, which had never gone off before.
Out of surprise, Zongarie fell on the floor. -
The door opened with a little cracking sound.
One badger came into the house.
Without even looking at Zongarie, the badger climbed up the chair, and upon finding the French toast, began to stuff his cheeks . -
“It’s so good, it’s so delicious.”
“Thanks for the meal! Oh, who do we have here?”
According to the badger, there was such a delicious smell coming from Zongarie’s house when he was looking for lunch that he, before he realized, had gone into the house and, unintentionally, had eaten the entire thing .
The badger apologized for eating the French toast, thanked Zongarie for it being so delicious, and invited Zongarie to lunch .
Zongarie, hesitant towards the badger’s sudden invitation, nevertheless hurried to get a potted plant.
“Can Marie come with us? Marie is my friend.”
“Of course! Let’s go already!” -
Holding Marie firmly with both hands, Zongarie followed the badger outside.
“I forgot to ask but, what is your name? I am Mogg.”
“Zo…Zongarie. My name is Zongarie.”
It would take a little while longer, before realizing that Zongarie finally left the house.
The End